Captain & Crew

Captain Andrew and Chef Michaela have been working on charters as Captain & Crew for more than 5 years, exploring every part of the U.S. and British Virgin Islands. They spread their passion for sailing, snorkeling, and all-around adventuring to guests from all over the world, and Andrew and Michaela are thrilled to share their passions and all the amazing things the Virgin Islands have to offer with the guest aboard Gracious.

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Captain Andrew

Andrew was a late bloomer to the world of sailing, growing up in suburban Chicago, but he knew his passion for the ocean was there from an early age. After moving to San Diego for college, he immediately took sailing lessons upon his arrival. Starting off in boats hardly bigger than himself, his passion for the ocean continued to grow as rapidly as his sailing experience in and around southern California. Upon graduation from San Diego State with a degree in hospitality and tourism, Andrew decided to focus on sailing, becoming a U.S. Sailing Certified Instructor, spending his time teaching sailors the wonders of the ocean. A quick return to the Midwest, and cold Chicago winters, ended with Andrew getting his USCG Master Captains license, and a move “Down Island” to pursue his dream of becoming a full time Captain. Now, he continues chasing his dream and sharing his love for the ocean with all of his guests.

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Chef Michaela

Born and raised in the Virgin Islands, Michaela spent her childhood working at her father’s dive shop on St. John. Her formative years were spent scuba diving, sailing, and snorkeling; she considers herself a professional mermaid. In addition to receiving a degree in Business Management from Five Towns College in New York, she established four years of experience in the service industry. Michaela found her talents for connecting with people while representing and promoting big-name brands at events in and around New York City. After four years, she was drawn back home to the water and has dedicated the last five years to the charter business. Michaela is a professionally trained chef, and Gracious guests will be wowed at every meal. We focus on local ingredients and favorites from around the world. When you dine on Gracious, you will experience a truly unique sailing experience with a native of the Virgin Islands.

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